Maximum Velocity [TOP]
The unit's top velocity it can accelerate to. TA's velocity units are pixels/frame.

Note: The reference frame rate is 30frames/s.

Table 1: The Fastest and Slowest Units in TA

ARM AFD-S1 Peeper12
ARM AFD-J9 Hawk12
CORE AFD-J9 Vamp12
ARM ARM-SGB Tornado11.2
CORE SB-BR4 Voodoo11.1
CORE VA-8-T Fink11
ARM ARM-HA8 Penetrator0.6
CORE KA-L8 The Can0.5
ARM ARM-CB Invader0.42
CORE UV-2-AB Roach0.4
CORE KG-EHL Sumo0.34

Acceleration [TOP]
The unit's rate of positive acceleration,a, when starting from a velocity less that Vmax. TA's acceleration units are pixels/frame˛.

Note: The reference frame rate is 30frames/s.

Table 2: Highly and Lowly Accelerating Units

ARM AFD-S1 Peeper0.5
ARM AFD-J9 Hawk0.45
CORE VA-8-T Fink0.4
ARM ARM-SGB Tornado0.4
CORE SB-BR4 Voodoo0.38
CORE AFD-J9 Vamp0.35
ARM ASD-SB Millenium0.005
CORE SB-AS6 Warlord0.0045
ARM ARM-THC Bear0.004
CORE HTLA Turtle0.003

Brake Rate [TOP]
The unit's rate of negative acceleration when starting from a velocity more than zero.
Turn Rate [TOP]
The rate the unit rotates. I've confirmed zwzsg's suggestion that unit turn rates are expressed in turn_rate/65536 (rev/s). I.e. a Turnrate of 65536 will give 1 rev/s.
Footprint X [TOP]
The horizontal length of the area occupied by the unit. 1 footprint is 16 pixels, or ˝ of a tile.

The footprint size controls unit movement and weapon interactions.
Footprint Z [TOP]
The vertical length of the area occupied by the unit. 1 footprint is 16 pixels, or ˝ of a tile.

The footprint size controls unit movement and weapon interactions.
Maximum Water Depth [TOP]
Where a unit can move into water, this is the maxiimum depth it can go.
Maximum Slope [TOP]
When navigating terrain, this is the maximum slope limit it can traverse.
Maneuver Leash [TOP]
Where units are set to patrol but not set to hold position, units observed within this radius will be pursued until either unit is destroyed or the target moves beyond this distance. This also covers the case where patrolling construction units initiate a repair on a mobile unit.

Note that the flakker units are unusual in being the only units with very low ManeuverLeashLength values.

Table 3: Maneuver Leash

Ships and Vechicles640
CORE KG-EHL Copperhead30
ARM ARM-MML5 Phalanx10