Killing Shot Damage [TOP]
Derived from the unit script's severity value which is that percentage of the units Max Damage value that the unit was subjected to by the external weapon.

For example, if the unit has Max Damage=1000, and was at 100% health, then hit with a Weapon Damage=1200 shot, it would be covered by the severity <25% value and would leave the prescribed corpse.

The Killing Shot Damage value works this out based on the units Max Damage value. Table 1 shows how this works for the Arm Rocko.

Table 1: Arm Rocko Killing Damage (Max Damage=610)

Killing Shot DamageCorpse Metal

Over Killing Damage [TOP]
All damage over this value will destroy the unit completly leaving no wreckage.
Metal [TOP]
The corpse itself can be reclaimed for metal. As can be seen from Table 1, the more powerful the killing shot the less likely there will be metal left.
Corpse [TOP]
The corpse type is designated by the unit script and varies based upon the Killing Damage inflicted.

There are several noteworthy errors with these scripts. Some involve mislabelling the corpsetype used, such as when a Core Goliath tank is destroyed and becomes a Core Diplomat corpse. Annother is where the Arm Wind unit does not have its corpse stated at all and simply explodes to nothing, even at less that 25% damage.
Height [TOP]
The corpse height can be particularly important within a wreckage field. Units with weapon firing points elevated more highly are more likely to be able to shoot over these wrecks.
Blocking Wreckage [TOP]
The corpse itself can be set to block other units' pathfinding over the unit.
Damage [TOP]
This is the corpse Max Damage. It also governs the reclaim and resurrection time.
Special Unit Damage [TOP]
Some units are either more susceptible, or more resistant to particular weapons, in this case the special weapons modifier is often called. Examples include aircraft orientated missles and Arm EMP and Core Neurton weapons.