The TA Demo Recorder - Get it!!!
TA is an old game, hey they didn't even make a built in recorder. So what did a bunch of crazy Swed's do? They made their own!

The Swedish Yankspanker's as they are known, are not just a group of techno wizzo computer boffins, they are pretty good players too :P SY_SJ, SY_Fnordia, and more lately SY_YeHa are the main developers for this little marvel.

Why do I need the recorder?
There are 3 simple reasons why you should be using it...
  • You can record your games, replaying them for fun or to see where you went right or wrong and what your opponent did wrong or right
  • You can replay games played by anyone else, the best, and the worst. There are many sites on the web where you can download recordings to watch.
  • The recorder isn't just a recorder. It incorporates many new commands, bug fixes, trainer detection and other features. You are at a disadvantage if you don't have it.
Where do I get the recorder?
If you haven't looked at my Standard install page, go there now and grab it :) Otherwise try The Swedish Yankspanker's :P

OK, I got it, how do I install it?
Well, that's easy. Just run the program and carefully follow the instructions. Once installed, make sure you read all the supplied documents before you start using it. If you have problems after doing this, goto the message board at the SY site and do a search to see if the answer already lies there. Remember, it is a 'beta' program, be nice :)

One note on setup though...
  • When you're in the settings panel there are options to automatically assign auto-record and .fixall. Apparently a fair bit of lag and 'strange happenings' while replaying (like double entries of comments E.g. in []'s) can be avoided by NOT toggling both of these options at the same time as the default (Thanks to Switeck for this tip). I have auto record enabled, and simply type .fixall once the game starts. .report or .status will confirm your current settings. (see Recorder Commands for further details)