The filename should first consist of a group, seems to only work with the group
named totala, however its supposed to work with other groups as well.
watching=2 ;Watching mode on/off
mapmode=1 ;Map mode, mapped, unmapped.
location=2 ;Location random, fixed
cheats=1 ;Cheats allow, disallow.
los=1 ;LOS, true, perm, circle, etc
deathopt=1 ;Commander dies setting
metal=1000 ;Starting metal
energy=1000 ;starting energy
maxunits=500 ;Maximum units allowed in game
lockOptions=0 ;If value 1, host can't change options battle room options
playerlimit=2 ;Number of players to allow
connect=1 ;connect mode, 1=tcp, etc.
address=[IPADDY] ;Ip address
pfs=0 ;pack frame speed, don't mess with this, 0 is default which is believed to be 3
player=[PNAME] ;Name of the Player
;password=[GPASS] ;Game password
session=[GNAME] ;Dplay name.
provider=GBL ;Provider can be anything
mission=[MAP] ;Name of map to play on
timelimit=0 ;Not used
registeredonly=0 ;Supposedly lets only 'registered', people join could be a TA:K thing
creator=[HOST] ;Creator should be 1 for host, or 0 for joiner
tournment=[T] ;If value is 1, host can't in game reject a player on purpose but if they lag out rejection can still occur. |